Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

Hello, I don't think anybody reads this yet so I'll just write a little bit until I run out of ideas which should be pretty soon since I just had a lot to drink. So my sister called me a few hours back saying HEY, at rite aid they have a sale on all alcoholic beverages so I went there and got loads of stuff. Then I came home and made my first home made long island ice tea. Usually I get em at bars and they taste rather good, mine tasted like shit though. So now I am on here thinking of things to do. Its actually pretty lame, I love Christmas and all but I hate the fact that nobody wants to do anything around this time. Everybody is with their families. I love my family and all, they are the best, my parents did so much for me. But hey come on how long can you be with your family??? And yet nobody wants to hang out or do anything!!! I should really work on this blog and make it look nice, but I am not in the mood. Maybe I shouldn't have drank. Anyway I am out. Kinda hungry, I should probably have Borat up tomorrow. I'll let you have the link.
See ya. Till Next time.

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